Clapton Coils
Behold, men and women of the vape realm, a new much anticipated coil has arrived! But before we move any further, gotta give credit to the guy who coined the term, The Clapton Coil. Derek Small, if you're watching this, you're the man, brother. Great innovation! Alright, guys, you ready to rock and roll? Let's go ahead, dive down, and build the Clapton Coil.
Alright. So first thing we're gonna do in order to build this Clapton Coil, you're gonna need 0.4-mm guitar wire. Alright, so wh
Video Transcript: The Clapton Coil by RiP Trippers
Behold, men and women of the vape realm, a new much anticipated coil has arrived! But before we move any further, gotta give credit to the guy who coined the term, The Clapton Coil. Derek Small, if you're watching this, you're the man, brother. Great innovation! Alright, guys, you ready to rock and roll? Let's go ahead, dive down, and build the Clapton Coil.
Alright. So first thing we're gonna do in order to build this Clapton Coil, you're gonna need 0.4-mm guitar wire. Alright, so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut about 6-8 inches of this wire. So we've got our 6-8 inches of guitar wire cut. Next step, 32-gauge Kanthal, you're gonna wanna cut 3 feet of this stuff. So now we've got our 3 feet of 32-gauge Kanthal cut. Next step, we're gonna clamp this 32-gauge in this crease inside of these four clamps of the drill. And then we're gonna take this guitar wire and clamp it in the middle of these four clamps in the drill.
Then what I'll do is I'll loosen it up, just a touch, and then I'll insert the guitar wire in the front center of the clamps. Give her a good tighten. We wanna make sure that the 32-gauge is secure, it's not gonna come out. You also wanna make sure that the guitar wire in the center of this four clamps is not gonna come out. It's not gonna budge. None of them are gonna budge. Now, this is like your anchor. And how this is gonna work, just like the flat bastard coil build, this 32-gauge Kanthal is gonna wrap around the guitar wire. So what I'm gonna do, first, I'm gonna turn it just like that and then I'm gonna do a few manual wraps, just to get it started.
So you gotta make sure you put pressure between your thumb and index finger, just like this. Make sure that that 32-gauge wire is at a downward angle. You also gotta make sure that you put the pressure on that guitar wire and then we're just gonna start spinning slow.
But usually, when you first start, it starts spinning not even. See how it's spinning pretty evenly now?
But you wanna go slow, just like this throughout the whole guitar wire.
And you wanna keep it slow and steady.
So we've finished twisting the 32-gauge Kanthal on that guitar wire all the way through, loosen the clamp. That right there is nice! You gotta keep the momentum going, otherwise, you will get these small gaps like right there. But here's the beauty of it, I can push those gaps together. It's a spring, is what it is. So anywhere you have gaps, go along there, push those gaps together, make it even. You gotta make it tight. Now, the next step, I'm gonna cut this excess wire off. So I know a lot of you guys out there that have already wrapped Clapton Coils, you're probably watching this and going, What the hell is he doing, wrapping it on guitar wire? 'Cause I find that it's way more efficient doing it this way than wrapping it on actual Kanthal. So basically, what we're gonna do is we're gonna slide this guitar wire off of this giant coil that we just wrapped.
Pull this wire out. And you gotta be careful when you're pulling this guitar wire out 'cause you don't wanna stretch these springs, you don't wanna stretch 'em. So you just wanna pull gently till you get that wire out. Now that you've got the guitar wire out and these coils are pretty much even all across the board, now what we're gonna do is take the 28-gauge Kanthal and slide that sucker in this sucker. Got the 28-gauge Kanthal, just gonna slide her in the hole, and she should go in with ease, just guide her in. Telling you, easy-peasy, what a sleazy!
As you could see, the rest of the 28's coming out on the other side. Alright. So I'm gonna clip that edge and I'm gonna clip the extra 28 gauge. Today's build is gonna be inserted into the Russian 91%. We are going to do six wraps, and you wanna make sure these wraps are side-by-side.
Oh, yeah! Now, you wanna make sure that one tail goes under in the opposite direction and the other tail that's going under. We're gonna trap this lead under this screw right here. Hold it down, this tail's gonna go under, just like that. So then what I like to do is I like to lift his leads up, but I'm gonna get in there, and clip it as close as I can. Okay. Oh, yeah! That's a beaut right there. I mean, hardest in the middle, it goes all the way to the outside, it's what you want. I got my organic cotton. I'm gonna slide this bad girl in the Clapton Coil. You wanted to be able to twist in there. You could see that twist, you know that it's not tight but it's not loose, it's just right in the middle and, pa-yow!
Oh, yeah, she's firing away. Screw part of the chimney on there, make sure it fires, there's no shorts. Oh, yeah, we're good to go, gonna assemble the rest of this Russian, fill her up, and we're gonna see how she vapes.
Alrighty. So that is the Clapton Coil built in the Russian 91%. Those six wraps on that 564 drill bit came out to 1.2 ohms. I got her set to 22 watts on the Hana Modz V3. Let's take a hit and talk about her.
Well, vapor, you see it. And she's a-chuckin'. But what about the flavor?
Mm, mm, mm. That's all I gotta say about the flavor. This is 100% VG juice in here, and I'm getting full-on flavor. Out of this Russian 91, I've got the airflow wide open, I've got a Ninja Mods drip tip on here that has adjustable airflow. I got that sucker wide open, and I'm still getting full-on, ass-kickin' flavor. All you need is some 32-gauge Kanthal, some 0.4-mm guitar wire, and a drill. So go on and get to it!
This is RiP Trippers. And remember, smoking is dead. Vaping is the future, and the future is now.