Shake and Vape
What's up, guys? It's your boy Big J coming back at you from Lizard Juice. And you may have already seen it. I did Episode One or Volume One of Why your tank leaks. Well, welcome to Episode Two. I got a couple of more ideas as to why your tank might be leaking. So, without further ado here we go. Number one, your coil could be shot. It's done, it's dead, it's ready to be changed, okay? After you heat cotton up so many times, it just starts to break down. It loses its wicking abilities and it
Video Transcript: Why Your Tank Leaks Episode 2 by Lizard Juice
What's up, guys? It's your boy Big J coming back at you from Lizard Juice. And you may have already seen it. I did Episode One or Volume One of Why your tank leaks. Well, welcome to Episode Two. I got a couple of more ideas as to why your tank might be leaking. So, without further ado here we go. Number one, your coil could be shot. It's done, it's dead, it's ready to be changed, okay? After you heat cotton up so many times, it just starts to break down. It loses its wicking abilities and it just runs through. The juice will just run through like a sieve. It really will. The coil ends up getting... Or the cotton in it there actually ends up getting burnt and it's just not... It's not fun. If you wanna know when to change your coil, pull it out and look at it. If it's jet black and just gunky, goopy you get like a burnt popcorn or burnt metallic taste in your mouth, throw it out and get a new one. Chances are, once you get that one, excuse me, once you get that one lubed up really well and put it in there, man, it's gonna be a world of difference and the leaking will probably go away.
Two. Change in barometric pressure. Oh, that's right, I'm going scientific with this bitch. Alright. So, change in barometric pressure. I had this happen. Got on a plane. Had my vape back before they got super stupid about it. Had it in my pocket as we took off. You know your ears pop? That's the change in barometric pressure. Well, yeah. It changed inside my tank too, blah, all over my pocket. And I ended up looking like I pissed myself. That was fun. So yeah, barometric pressure. If I fill it somewhere where there's low pressure and I drive through the mountains, blah. Alright, nothing saying that when you get into the mountains, open it up, dump everything out if it isn't already gone, and fill it while you're there and the pressure will equalize. Now, you might say, Well, in a plane, they equalized... They have a cabin pressure. True. They do have a cabin pressure. It's a livable cabin pressure. If you think it's the same pressure as when you're standing on Earth, think about that, okay? It's... They pressurize the cabin enough to where you can live, basically. Yeah, so even with that change, blah, trust me, that's why your ears pop. I'm telling you. You have the same thing in the mountains. All that good stuff. So, pay attention to barometric pressure. Now I'm learning you something.
The tank might not be assembled correctly, alright. When you first get it, bust it out of the box, fill it up, you're like, Yeah, I'm gonna vape the crap out of this thing. And it just leaks everywhere. This goes back to, when I said in Episode One, about everything being... What did I call it? Mass-produced, sorry. Jeez. So, this tank is mass-produced, alright? When it gets put together, it might get put together by hand, it might not, depending on where it goes. If it's machines, yeah, the machines will tighten everything down, but machines don't care. If something's cross-threaded it just, bzzt, and goes. If it's hand-done, still, they throw the things together, boom, here you go. Boom, here you go. Prime example, go to Walmart, buy a bike off the rack that they assembled and tell me you're comfortable riding that bike. I'm not. So, it's the same thing. Once you get something, you get a new tank. Take it apart, alright? Get on YouTube, watch some videos, tear it apart, put it all back together correctly. Chances are, it probably won't leak anymore. Last but not least. Oh no, I'm sorry. I've got two more. On your coil and on your tank there are seals, alright? There's little rubber seals everywhere on these things, okay. That's how they keep the liquid inside.
There's also a good reason why your tanks come with extra seals. They don't last forever, alright? If your favorite tank of six, eight months, all of a sudden decides it wants to spring a leak, chances are it's not mad at you. Chance is you've probably lost a seal or the seal's ripped, damaged, something along those lines. Once a month I like to look at whatever I've been vapin'. I'll take it apart and I check all the seals. Like I said, most of these tanks come with extra baggies of seals anyway. It never hurts to replace them. They're there for a reason. So, like I said, your favorite tank all of a sudden springs a leak, check the seals. That's also saying it might have come from the factory with a busted seal too. I've had that happen. I've had plenty of stuff come where I'm like, Wow, that O-ring is shot. Throw it out and replace it. Same thing with your coil, alright. If you've been using the same thing over and over and over again for a while, you should know what your coil looks like. If it's missing a little O-ring in there, or the O-ring's ripped, or it's not sitting in the right place, fix it, if you can. If you can't, well, maybe you can take it back to your shop. Maybe you can't. I don't know.
Most shops have a... Once a coil leaves, it doesn't come back. But if you're cool with them and they know you buy a lot of stuff, if you can show them, Hey, the O-ring was missing, they might hook you up. I don't know. So now, last but not least. If you're leakin', maybe your glass is cracked, alright? Not so much on a tank like this where I can clearly see the glass all the way around. I'm talking something like an all-in-one device, like your Joyetech AIOs. Maybe your new Nautilus'. Stuff like that where it kinda has a case. The Cleito EXO. It kinda has a casing around it. If you drop it, you might pick it up and go, Oh, it looks fine. Well, you never know. There could be a crack back behind that case somewhere. And they're really, really hard to find it sometimes. I mean, a hairline crack sucks, especially on an all-in-one device, 'cause then you just gotta throw it out. It's done. There is no fixing it. There is no replacing it. It's just done. But yeah, always check your stuff, especially after you drop it, always try and check it. If you can, take a flashlight and I mean really, if it springs a leak, take your flashlight and really check, because it's tough to see. They are tough to see. You'll have to look from the inside. That sucks. You can run your finger in there very gently.
So, if you do have a jagged crack, you don't wanna cut your finger, but you can run your finger around in there. You might be able to feel it, you might not. Always check the top and the bottom 'cause that's where they like to do little spider webs, normally at the tops and bottoms. So, there you go, guys. That's between Episode One and Episode Two, that's 10 reasons why your tank leaks or might be leaking. So, if you exhaust all those options, it's probably just a leaky tank. The only other thing I can think of to throw in there is, sometimes manufacturers do just make a crap coil. Their coil design is just horrible. Okay, so if it's... Beware of new tanks when they come out with a brand new coil design. It might leak. You never know how much they actually test it. So, it might leak. I'd say stick to the tried and true. So, until next time, it's your boy Big J from Lizard Juice and hopefully your tank doesn't leak anymore. See ya.