Shisha Liquid

What up, E-ciggers? So shut your vape holes and check this one out. Today we're gonna get vape-y, Middle Eastern-style, with my very first portable E-shisha smoker. Now, that's what I'm talking about.

So today, we are taking a look at my very first E-hookah piece ever. Now, I'm excited not because I personally have too much attachment to an E-hookah, but I think I had somebody ask me the first time what electronic cigarette was the most like a hookah, probably about three years ago. A

Trying My First E Hookah! | Portable E Shisha by Amanoo
Credit to: IndoorSmokers
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Video Transcript: Trying My First E Hookah! | Portable E Shisha by Amanoo by IndoorSmokers

What up, E-ciggers? So shut your vape holes and check this one out. Today we're gonna get vape-y, Middle Eastern-style, with my very first portable E-shisha smoker. Now, that's what I'm talking about.

So today, we are taking a look at my very first E-hookah piece ever. Now, I'm excited not because I personally have too much attachment to an E-hookah, but I think I had somebody ask me the first time what electronic cigarette was the most like a hookah, probably about three years ago. And really, from that time up until now there hasn't been a great answer. Even the little portable E-hookahs and stuff, they're really just like E-cigarettes. Finally, they have something for the real E-hookah users who've got their own hookahs. This is a piece that's gonna fit right on top of almost any traditional hookah in replacement of the coal shisha piece, the bowl that goes on top.

So, I really think this is gonna be a valuable tool in the fight against the icky sticks for a whole new region of the world, namely the Middle East and all that area. So hopefully, this is gonna be something that's gonna work out well. I'm gonna test it for you and let you guys know what I think. I have smoked a hookah in the past, couple of times, it seems like in college, all I really remember about the experience was kinda getting nic-sick and maybe a little bit of a dry throat, but it still seems like it can't be the greatest for your health. So, I think having an E-juice alternative is gonna really help you guys make that transition.

So anyways, without any further plug, let's go ahead and bust this thing out of the box. Wow, very nice-looking. Hoo. There are your controls on the top, all digital. E-shisha users, welcome to the 21st century.

Okay. I believe you're gonna set your E-juice compartment down in there. Manual. Reminder to clean and dry the atomizer after each use, your charger, and you E-juice tank. A nice big tank. So, it really looks like it's supposed to replace a full session. I know once you put the shisha in with that coal, you're gonna smoke that shit for hours.

Dry the atomizer after each use. I don't know if you actually have to do that or not, but... Your charger and your E-juice tank. A nice big tank. So, it really looks like it's supposed to replace a full session. I know once you put the shisha in with that coal, you're gonna smoke that shit for hours. So, this looks like it'll give you a similar type of length of vape experience.

So here's your tank. And there's a little rubber seal you're gonna pop, and then that's where you're gonna fill your juice at. So I just gotta pick something out here to fill it with, get this guy filled up, and we're gonna hit this hookah.

Alright, guys. I've got the tank filled up with some of my new favorite Space Jam E-juice. But it turns out I don't have anything that I can attach this E-shisha head to. So, what else can I do except run down to the smoke shop and get a damn E-hookah, or I guess a hookah, whatever they got that we can put this on.

Alright, I'm back from the store. I picked up some goodies. So I picked up a hookah, so we're finally gonna be able to try that out. And while I was down there, I got a couple of other toys. A new vape mail knife. Check it out. I love that blade, it's about a quarter of the length. You'd expect it to be the same length as the handle, but it turns out when it pops out, it's just this little tiny. Big enough, though, to open packages. I'm stoked. Don't make me, just in case indoor smokers gots to cut a package. Sometimes it happens.

Well, it comes in several pieces, as you who are familiar with hookahs will recognize. Bowl piece on top, this piece, and then the base where the water and everything goes, I'm gonna show you in just a second. What we got in here, no, not a failure to communicate. I know, it's pink, but it was the cheapest one they had for $49, so I ain't bitching about it. A couple of pink hoses. LaTee is coming in later on today, so I'll let her try this thing out. She'll love the pink.

Let's just see how it should work. I may end up loving this hookah so much I just might wish I hadn't gotten it in pink so I can have it out on the living room a little bit more. But this thing looks like fun. I don't know what you guys define fun as, but to me, boom, you're looking at it. Hoses, vapage, all kinds of cool shit going on here. So, the only thing left then is to fill this thing up with some water.

Alright, I'm back with the complete setup. We got water in the bottle here, and I've got my tank and everything loaded. So I'm gonna go ahead and just set this thing at about five to start with, and let's see what kind of vapor production and we get off of this.

Oh, there it goes, something's firing. Damn, I guess it just took a couple of draws to get the vapor all the way through the hose, but wow, you can see this thing when it starts kicking. That is not freaking bad. Maybe you guys in the Middle East been on to something. This is a nice way to vape. I like it going through the water. Here, I'll see if you guys can actually see, without losing everything.

Talk about freaking awesome. Now, I'm not saying it's the most convenient way to vape there is. But for a social aspect, and I know for people in the Middle East in that part of the world, that vaping on a hookah, or excuse me, smoking a hookah is a big part of the social aspect, going out to a place, doing it with friends, things like that. That's why they got up to the four hoses. So, the fact that you can replicate the social aspect of smoking with the vaping, I think is actually kind of cool. I'm gonna have Tia, when she comes in later today to help me with the giveaway video, try this thing out. Alright, guys. Well, Tia of TiaVapes was down here today, helping me with the give-away video for If you're in that one, you might wanna go over, watch and see if you won.

I'm gonna start it, then you hold it.


Oh, it's... What? That is so cool. Wow.

Give it a shot. I feel hooking funny.

Nice, what did you think of that?


This is... Plug it for a second. This isn't bad, the flavour is good, huh?

I'm impressed. That is actually a really good flavour, but I love Space Jam, so it's really good. That is so cool.

Going through the water, it's nice. Like I said, the people know what they've been doing smoking on a hookah. This is actually like a pretty nice fucking vaping device. The whole set up is good. It's clean taste and all.



I was so skeptical of this thing, honestly. I was like, What? This is cool, I think...

Six volts, let's see it, we're gonna both try it. Okay, one, two, three, go.

Yeah, you took all of that from me.

I stole all her vapor, I guess you can only go one at a time, otherwise you better really be serious with them lungs. Damn, that was like stealing candy from a baby. I was not expecting it to freaking vape like that, I gotta say.

Me neither.

But yeah, still smoking that shisha. Come on, Misha, get with the e fucking shisha here. This shit is gonna save your life. Alright, guys, use the link underneath the video. If I find a place where you can go check this out for yourself, otherwise don't forget to subscribe to this channel. If you wanna check out more crazy, e-cig products and accessories, catch you guys next time.

Alright, the box lifts right off the top, it looks like. I think I broke it already.